Month: January 1999

Culprit Or Comfort?

When we experience adversity and trials, we may blame ourselves and feel we have done something wrong to deserve punishment. While honest self-examination is healthy, we should not become preoccupied with our faults and failures.

A Ready Witness

Whenever I read the book of Acts, I'm struck by the spontaneity of the witness of the first Christians. Everywhere they went, in every circumstance, they boldly proclaimed Jesus as the true Messiah and the Savior of mankind—and many people believed. After Peter and John were arrested for proclaiming the good news, Peter told the council, "We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20).

Do You Care?

It's one thing to tell a friend you care. It's quite another to show it.

Better Than Words

When we are with people who are grieving or suffering, we may feel a need to fill the awkwardness of the occasion with words. Not to say something, we fear, is to let them down. We may even find ourselves avoiding the bereaved because we're afraid we won't know what to say.

Sin Of The Skin

Most people hate to be accused of racism. But racial bias is all too prevalent. Even Christians have had a long history of ethnic prejudice. In the first century, Jewish believers were reluctant to accept their Gentile brothers. In recent years, racial discrimination has been a dominant issue.

Sing Again

As part of a campaign called "Get America Singing . . . Again," a group of music educators has published a list of 42 songs that it believes Americans must continue singing to preserve an important part of the national culture. The list begins alphabetically with "Amazing Grace" and ends with "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah." The group's president said, "We have a whole generation that has grown up without singing songs like these—songs that are . . . part of who we are."

What Means Most To Us?

How influential is music on the young people in our society? They buy millions of recordings annually. And screaming fans jam-pack concerts by well-known artists. So, whether we like it or not, rock, rap, and heavy metal are making a significant impact on today's culture.

Choosing A Good Leader

I was having coffee at McDonald's when I noticed a man walk in who was holding a white cane. He had his hand on a young boy's shoulder and appeared to have complete trust in his ability to guide him.